Featured customer: SWISS SHOOTING ARMORY
A unique retailer with specific needs
How a store owner has confidently fulfilled ALL business ideas with a flexible POS solution.
& 2 physical stores
Marco with his Co-founder Martin Eerhard and the Swiss Shooting team
Marco's story
In March 2015, Marco Baratella and his team opened Swiss Shooting Group in the small village of Schinznach, Switzerland. They had the ambition to design a five-star facility that set completely new standards to shooting sports and give everyone access to it.
As the Co-founder and COO of the Swiss Shooting Group, Marco’s been responsible for operations within the group since day one. He began his journey by constantly finding concrete ways to improve operations for the business.
The urge to find a scalable system
Swiss Shooting Group first started with shooting ranges offering high-quality facilities for training purposes. The service eventually expanded to the retail field with the Swiss Shooting Armory branch to meet Switzerland’s increased demands from recreational shooters’ interest in shooting sports. Until 2021, the list’s grown to include shooting academy, gastro, and aviation, creating a complete ecosystem for shooting sports lovers.

A look inside one of Swiss Shooting Armory shops
Marco is managing the Swiss Shooting Amory brand. It often serves customers at 2 offline locations. However, at the moment the company has gotten an online shop in addition to the brick-and-mortar stores. With the focus on continuous expansion and modernization for the entire business, Marco and his team always feel the urge to find a flexible and scalable system for their retail operations.
Marco and his can-not-live-without retail system
Shooting sport is popular in Switzerland, both in rural and urban regions. It’s always important for all shooters to follow government regulations and safety rules.
Magento website and POS
At Swiss Shooting Armory, Marco aims for the best quality service and honest interaction with customers. That’s why every order information needs to be recorded in the system for further tracking, for both online and offline orders. The Swiss Shooting Armory team needs to keep the website running smoothly so they don’t miss any orders.
Magento (their selling system) is crucial to Marco and the Swiss Shooting Armory staff. This open-source platform allows the team to sell unique products with the flexibility that is difficult to find in other systems. That’s why Marco and his team have stuck with Magento since then.
Words from Marco
“We need our system to run smoothly for 12 hours, from 10 am to 10 pm. We cannot sell without creating orders.” — shared Marco.
Inflexible old local POS and the biggest obstacle
Marco needs to pass
As the majority of orders are from offline stores, Swiss Shooting Armory team needs to use the Point of sales (POS) very often. That is why Marco and his development team were looking for a Magento POS system that could provide the best experience for their customers. Based on the future expansion plan, the POS solution needs to be scalable and flexible to adapt to the Swiss Shooting’s new requirements as well. As it turned out, obtaining a scalable and customizable Magento POS system wasn’t easy.
“We used a local POS provider in Switzerland. But it wasn’t that flexible or easy to customize.” — shared Marco. As the one responsible for Swiss Shooting’s operations, Marco saw that the old local POS lacked many important features and was hard to customize to their unique requirements. For example, Swiss Shooting Amory often needed to set a custom price for a specific customer group or large quantity, but the old local POS just didn’t let them do it.
In November 2020, when the launch date for the second location was close, Marco knew what he needed to do. “We needed to change to another POS system and also upgrade the website to a new version.” — Marco spoke firmly.
Marco and his developer fellows didn’t let the struggle overwhelm them. Instead, they continued their research journey to find a POS system that matched their business. And finally, he found one that can help him achieve his goals.
There is no perfect system, but Marco and his colleagues put their trust in Magestore POS solution and began a new and exciting business journey.
”“We considered many providers, but in the end, we chose Magestore because Magestore has more advantages.”
Marco, COO of Swiss Shooting GroupSporting and Outdoor | Switzerland
The road to implementing the ideal POS system for Magento
A great system is the combination of great product quality plus great support services.
Marco went with Magento 2 POS Commerce Edition, giving his business a lot of advantages. All the features really fit with Swiss Shooting’s expanding business.
Marco also got support from Magestore’s dedicated team including the Account Manager, Business Analyst, and Developers right from the start. He could freely share all of his goals and expectations and the Magestore team would ensure a working solution that actually met his needs.
All issues or questions from Marco and his colleague were promptly and clearly answered by Magestore’s retail specialists.
Dedicated leader striving for the new standards
So far, Marco’s very satisfied with the POS system though everything might not be perfect all the time. “We saved a lot of hours using (the new) POS system because it’s very fast.” — said Marco.
Swiss Shooting Armory has 30 people and 10 of them work mainly on the POS. By saving order creation and fulfillment time, they can see a huge productivity increase within a few months.
On the other hand, Marco has gained absolute trust from his staff members as he always listens to them and strives for future excellence. Renovating the whole business with technology wasn’t easy, but Marco has successfully led the team to a new era.

Marco is working on more customizations with Magestore because there are so many opportunities he wants to explore in the future. So far in his partnership with Magestore, Marco felt confident and satisfied with the outcome.
“It feels safe. The POS solution’s very useful in that it allows you to go inside the details of each customer to see different kinds of information about them. It’s nice to see the availability of the POS and also in the order webshop. That is something that people (in our team) are comfortable using.”
As Marco works with Magestore to improve the system, he believes that he’s found a trustworthy partner who’ll always support him and Swiss Shooting Armory to grow and succeed.
Grow faster with Magestore POS now
Innovate your retail with your own unique POS system & become your staff’s hero.